Pastor Randy

Pastor Randy
Life updates of CCC and Pastor Randy
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Thursday, March 25, 2010


One more update for today.

Overflow parking, by faith they will come!

Praise the LORD, His hand of BLESSING is on Christ Community Church. Below you will see a video of our overflow parking lot being installed. Praise the Lord!
I need your help. I would like to ask some of the faithful CCC family members to park in the lower lot; this is called the EXTRA BLESSING LOT. Men drop your wife and family off at the church and please park in the EXTRA BLESSING LOT WITH YOUR THREE PASTORS. I am not asking you to do anything I am not willing to do. For some on us the walk will do us good. Let's make room up close to the church for guest, families with small children, handicap, and those who need the closer parking.
Thank all of you for being willing to serve, by parking in the EXTRA BLESSING LOT.
It is so exciting to see what God is doing at CCC. Almost every week someone is renewing their heart or accepting Christ into their heart. What a blessing therefore the need for the EXTRA BLESSING PARKING LOT. I want to thank you know for using the EXTRA BLESSING LOT!

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Latest CCC update 3 18 2010

Faith Promise Weekend 3-20 & 21-2010
6:00 pm dinner
7:00 pm service with Rev. Peter Moore
Sunday morning 8:30 Rev. Peter Moore
Sunday morning 10:00 Rev. Peter Moore

I hope all of you are planning on coming out for this important weekend.
Any question call 757 566 8364

Monday, March 15, 2010

CCC update 3 15 2010

I pray each of you are having a good day and that you will have a blessed week.
Here is an update of things to come at Christ Community Church.
Look forward to seeing you during Faith Promise Weekend.
In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Egypt little guy

This little guy is keeping up with the music. He will be playing the drums before long.
This was while I was in Egypt.usic

This little guy is keeping up with the music. He will be playing the drums before long.
This was while I was in Egypt.

Saturday, March 13, 2010