Pastor Randy

Pastor Randy
Life updates of CCC and Pastor Randy
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thank you for giving

Just a quick up date of the giving of Christ Community Church family.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Up date on out reach to Chaplain Andrews

I am so proud of Chaplain Andrews for all he does for the Kingdom. I am thankful to the Lord that he is home safely.
check this out
Please keep our troops in your prayers.
Thank you again to each of you from the CCC family for making this project possible.

In Chrit's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7 2010 Christ Community Church update

I pray each of you have a blessed day and a great week.
Come grow with us in Christ at Christ Community Church, 9001 Richmond Road West, Toano, VA. 23168

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Come follow me on twitter at I promise I will not lead you down the wrong path.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Off to Gautemala

Pastor Dave, Jeff, and Dave are off on a mission trip to Guatemala. Please keep them in your prayers.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Support for Chaplain Andrews

I am so proud of Chaplain Andrews!!! He was in my youth group years ago, and his father was my pastor years ago, and married me and Cindy.
Praying for you Big D and you guys.

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CCC motorcycle ride


Just some video of a fun ride from Christ Community Church to lunch.
Have a blessed day and our next ride will be to the Virgina Diner.
Live for Christ this week.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Faith Promise at work Pastor Dave going to Haiti

This is a short clip of pastor Randy giving and update and about Pastor Dave's trip to Haiti.
Thank you for giving to Faith Promise.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

In vitiation to hear our missionaries

In vitiation to hear our missionaries
I pray you are doing well and that you will come out tomorrow to hear Joel and Kerri Lord our missionaries. Come see and hear how our mission ministry is growing.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life at Christ Community Church

What a great day with the Lord and His people. Pastor Tyler preacher this morning and God used him. After that we went for a motorcycle ride with a group from church and some friends. It was great but yes we did get wet. Shower of blessings.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

REFUEL update

This is just a short update from the REFUEL conference that Pastor Tyler, Dave and I went to this week. The quality of this video is not that good, but the effects of the Holy Spirit on our lives was great. I also believe it will make a difference as the days go by. All for His glory.

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update from REFUEL

Yesterday was a great day at REFUEL, I just wish some of my pastor friends could have been here. We heard the truth from each speak and I pray today will be as good and speak into my heart.
It was reaffirmed again and again about the call yesterday. It is the CALL of God that will keep you going.
Also each of us must do the work of an evangelist. Let's all go win someone to Jesus.
Have a blessed day.
In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CCC praise from i WILL cards Sunday

I am sure I have a lot of people who can. Know I am so excited about how many people signed the "i WILL" card Sunday. That was a Holy Spirit blessing.
Have a blessed day.

Monday, May 17, 2010


A short update from REFUEL conference. Pastor Tyler, and Pastor Dave are here with me. I pray all of you have a blessed week, and you live it for HIS glory. Love you and praying for you.
In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

This blog is a few minutes longer then most but and up date of Mother's Day. What a blessing two children were dedicated to the Lord, and two were baptized. What a blessed day. Thank You Lord for you blessings to CCC.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I want to wish all the mothers a Happy Mother's Day.
I pray God blesses you on your special day, and you have a blessed day. I am praying for you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Upcoming Ride May 23

This is Stan and I checking out the ride for Sunday May 23. I hope all you riders can join us. We will start from CCC at 11:30.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New church year update 2010 2011

I am so excited about this new church year, I cannot wait to see what God does. What away to get the first Sunday of May started with two salvations. PTL!!!
God has His hands of CCC and is doing a work in our lives. I pray for nothing but His Will to be done.
Come grow with us at a "Place where Christ's Love is Real, and People Really care!"

Monday, April 26, 2010

CCC goals for 2010-11 church year

Pastor Randy and Pastor Tyler share a few thoughts about upcoming days for CCC, as they suffer for the cause of Christ on a beautiful day. Well they are really not suffering. Thank you Jesus for your blessings.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

One of the real blessing for today was that a young girl prayed to receive Jesus into her heart even before the hunt got started. Praise the Lord!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

CCC Easter Weekend updates

Welcome to the latest Christ Community Church Update.
I pray this will be an Easter Weekend to remember, because of a commitment you make to the Lord.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


One more update for today.

Overflow parking, by faith they will come!

Praise the LORD, His hand of BLESSING is on Christ Community Church. Below you will see a video of our overflow parking lot being installed. Praise the Lord!
I need your help. I would like to ask some of the faithful CCC family members to park in the lower lot; this is called the EXTRA BLESSING LOT. Men drop your wife and family off at the church and please park in the EXTRA BLESSING LOT WITH YOUR THREE PASTORS. I am not asking you to do anything I am not willing to do. For some on us the walk will do us good. Let's make room up close to the church for guest, families with small children, handicap, and those who need the closer parking.
Thank all of you for being willing to serve, by parking in the EXTRA BLESSING LOT.
It is so exciting to see what God is doing at CCC. Almost every week someone is renewing their heart or accepting Christ into their heart. What a blessing therefore the need for the EXTRA BLESSING PARKING LOT. I want to thank you know for using the EXTRA BLESSING LOT!

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Latest CCC update 3 18 2010

Faith Promise Weekend 3-20 & 21-2010
6:00 pm dinner
7:00 pm service with Rev. Peter Moore
Sunday morning 8:30 Rev. Peter Moore
Sunday morning 10:00 Rev. Peter Moore

I hope all of you are planning on coming out for this important weekend.
Any question call 757 566 8364

Monday, March 15, 2010

CCC update 3 15 2010

I pray each of you are having a good day and that you will have a blessed week.
Here is an update of things to come at Christ Community Church.
Look forward to seeing you during Faith Promise Weekend.
In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Egypt little guy

This little guy is keeping up with the music. He will be playing the drums before long.
This was while I was in Egypt.usic

This little guy is keeping up with the music. He will be playing the drums before long.
This was while I was in Egypt.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CCC update 2 17 2010

I pray each of you are doing well. This is my first update from our new flip camera. Still have some work to do, but so simple.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2 10 2010 update from Christ Community Church

Welcome to another cold snowy blog. It is Wed. Feb. 10 2010.
You will NOT believe this, BUT WE ARE NOT HAVING IMPACT tonight.
This is just a quick note to update you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Update for Broadcast Church 2 6 2010

A short update from Christ Community Church Pastor Randy, and our district superintendent Pastor Greg Reynolds.

Tomorrow Feb. 7 2010
Community Cafe starts at 9:30AM with music and coffee and Worship is at 10AM. Located at Tallwood Elementary School in Virginia Beach.

I look forward to hearing great things from Broadcast Church, and Pastor Jess and his team!

CCC update 2 6 2010

I want to thank you for stopping by for the latest update of CCC. Yes we will be having church tomorrow at Christ Community church, 9001 Richmond Road West Toano, VA 23168.
I am ready for summer time and for this snow to going away. If you are planning on coming in the morning please be careful. If you are going out for the super bowl party you probably should come to church. Just a thought. :)
Love you all and am praying for you. God bless and have a wonderful day.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Jan 31 updates

I am putting a feel update on today Jan. 31 2010.
Yes we are having church today! But please do not come out if you do not feel safe! The walks and ramp are clean, but the drive and parking lot are not, they have had some work done on them but they are still in need of the SUN!
Have a blessed day and know you are loved and prayed for.

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow snow go away Christ Community Church update

Greetings on this snowy Saturday morning or whenever you are looking at this blog.What a morning, we had a great men’s gathering in spite of the snow, PTL!

Just for information we are having church Jan. 31, at 8:30 and 10:00 for those who can get to the church. 9001 Richmond Road West, Toano, VA. 23160.

We have a team of men coming in today Jan 30 at 4:00 to clean the walks and the ramps.

It is great to have such a wonderful group of men.I pray all of you are doing well and I hope to see you tomorrow in church. Be careful and be safe. You are in my prayers.

In Christ's Love and Service
Pastor Randy

Monday, January 25, 2010

Christ Community Church update

Thank the Lord for another day to serve Him! In this video you will see updates about Haiti, Egypt, and a few things that are going on at Christ Community Church. I want to thank you for stopping by and checking it out. I would love it if you would add a comment to my blog. You also can find out more at
God bless you and I pray you have a good day in the Lord.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti, Egypt, CCC updates

PRAISE THE LORD!!! What a great week last week was and also a challenging week with all that happen in Haiti. Through it all God is faithful. I cannot put into words how I feel for the people of Haiti. We have been in much prayer for them. Also yesterday we raised will over a thousand dollars and I believe we will give a lot more. I also can see us sending a team down there in a few months.
God was at work here at CCC!!! We had one to give his heart to the Lord on Saturday and was baptized on Sunday. PTL!!!
Praying for you!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

God is so good! I am so overwhelmed I do not know where to start. I was ask last week to go to Egypt with Peter Moore of Global Partners of the Wesleyan Church. Are you sure, and is it God's will? Yes to both question. Peter said yes, but you have to pay your own way. Will if it is God will, it is God's bill, and He will pay the way. Amen?
Let me tell you it is for sure His will, because in less than six hour I had received back in e-mails promises more than enough to meet my needs and to help with the project. I go Feb. 24th and come back March 6. I am sure it is His will, so please join me in praying that God will use me for His Glory.
Prime the pump with prayer, and watch for the blessing of the Lord!
Love you and am praying for you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First of the New Year

Greetings in the wonderful Name of Jesus, and welcome to the first blog of the New Year. I pray you are doing well and off to a great start.
Couple of things, first we had a great food drive with the help of Hog Wild Restaurant. Hundreds of pounds of food to help bless others. Thank You!
Also we are off to a great start for 2010, we had 207 in church Sunday, three baptized, one baby dedicated, and two more to raise their hands for salvation. PTL!
This Saturday 11:30 ladies luncheon at CCC.
Feb. 20 Men's one day conference, I hope all our men will plan to go. See info on the web.
Thanks for checking out my blog, and please leave a comment so I will know you are looking at them. I need some feed back...